Draama 2024

Trip to the End of the Forest


Trip to the End of the Forest foto
Photos by Herkko Labi
4th September, 2024 at 7.30 p.m.
Karlova School (Salme 1a)
5th September, 2024 at 7.30 p.m. 
Karlova School (Salme 1a) (English translation)
7th September, 2024 at 7.30 p.m.
Karlova School (Salme 1a)
8th September, 2024 at 2.00 p.m.
Karlova School (Salme 1a)

Trip to the End of the Forest is based on the short story Hunters of Ohemäe by Juhan Jaik, a mysterious writer from South of Estonia. On an ordinary day, a couple of villagers go to the forest and never return. The old grudge against the forest raises its head again. Preparations are made for an expedition that should clear things up and establish power hierarchies for good. But something goes wrong. The forest does not surrender without a fight.

This is a play for people who long for the soft touch of storytelling. This is a play for people who expect theatre to offer an emotional rush and experimental acting. This is a play for people who like to give contemporary context to everything happening on the stage. This is a play for people who want to sit in the dark in the middle of a workweek, be led someplace that does not really exist and be told about something that nevertheless could always happen.

Lauri Lagle's new production tells a story from the beginning to the end but also offers forays and digressions. The characters are fleshed out in increasing detail, moments gain volume, the story simmers and swells. Gather around! Fan out! Tell me, dog, what did you see in the forest! Tell me now!

Director: Lauri Lagle
Dramaturgy: Eero Epner
Prdouction designer: Allan Appelberg
Costume designer: Kärt Ojavee
Maquette designer: Laura Pählapuu
Sound designer: Artjom Astrov
Lighting designer: Siim Reispass
Sound engineer: Raido Linkmann
Lighting engineer: Grete Vaalma
Video designer: Tanel Ojasoo

Cast: Marika Vaarik, Katariina Tamm, Jörgen Liik, Simeoni Sundja

It premiered on 17th August 2023 at the Chamber Hall of Sakala 3 Teatrimaja.

The performance lasts for 2 hours without intermission.